Frequently Asked Questions
Will meals be provided?
Healthy snacks and drinks are provided to children who participate in the Rise Creative Arts Center. Parents may elect to enroll in the meal policy or may provide meals for their child. Parents are responsible for meal arrangements during field trips and outings. Food allergies and religious food accommodations must be communicated at the time of registration. Parents/guardians are allowed to bring food and meals from the home for their child/ren.
Is there a registration fee?
There is a required registration fee of $150.00 for each child registering for the first time to any of the I’RAISE programs. This fee is due at the time of registration. Registration fees are only refundable when the child has not been admitted into the program. Registration fees are only required once. They will not be required again for as long as the child is enrolled consistently in the program.
Will transportation be provided?
We do not provide transportation to and from the program. Parents/guardians are responsible for their children's transportation.
What is the duration of the program?
The program will run Monday through Friday 2:30pm - 6:00pm from September 24 to May 2024.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept debit and credit cards. Visa, Mastercard and Discover, American Express cards are not accepted. Money orders, business checks, and cash payments are also acceptable forms of payment. Personal checks are not accepted. Klarna, Paypal, Cash App, and Zelle are also accepted methods of payment. Please make all money orders and business checks out to I’RAISE Girls & Boys International Corporation. We also accept CAPS scholarships.
Do you accept CAPS scholarships?
I'RAISE accepts CAPS scholarships. Parents with CAPS and/or other scholarships must speak with the Director for assistance with completing paperwork and selecting I’RAISE as a vendor.
Are discounts available?
Please note that discounts cannot be combined.
Sibling Discount for 1-3 children: 10% off ($234.00 monthly for more than 1 kid and 15% off for 2nd and 3rd child)
Sibling Discount for 3 or more children: 15% off ($221.00 monthly for more than 3 Kids and 15% off for 4th child and additional children)
Monthly Autopay Discount: $10.00 off monthly ($250.00 monthly)
Pay in Full Monthly: $5.00 off ($255.00 Monthly)
First Iconium Member Discount: 10% for active members in good standing at First Iconium Baptist Church ($234.00 Monthly)
Is the program open on holidays?
The program is closed during major holidays including New Year's Eve, New Year, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
The program is open during school breaks and out-of-school times including winter break, winter break, and spring break, the program is open during the summer months.
Does I'RAISE offer a summer program?
Yes, I'RAISE does offer a Summer Academy to create opportunities for youth to connect with peers, discover their abilities, learn, create, and thrive. The Dates for Summer Academy 2024 are June 1st 2024-August 1st 2024. Registration will open on February 1st, 2024.