We want to hear from you! What are the attitudes and perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine in Latinx and African-American communities? Can racism influence vaccine hesitancy?
You can enter to win a gift card by filling out a short anonymous survey (it only takes 15 minutes!) to share your lived experience, which will be used to improve services offered to individuals in your community. Click here now to complete the survey by June 30, 2022.
Whether you received the vaccine or not, you are encouraged to participate in the survey. Your voice MATTERS!
Researchers want to understand what affects decisions to vaccinate and not to vaccinate. Participation helps community-based organizations know how to better support Latinx and Black community members.
We are conducting surveys to study to examine and compare the attitudes and perceptions of both vaccinated and unvaccinated Latinx and African-American individuals to help better serve these populations.
We are looking for 750 individuals over 18 years of age in New York City to participate in our COVID-19 Vaccine Perception Study.
Participants who complete the survey are entered to win a gift card!
We are looking for new participants. If you have already signed up or participated, please do not do so again. Click the link or image below or scan the QR code to sign up to participate in our research survey. Questions? Contact us here.
This is the third study from our Center for Research and Development. You can learn more about our research team and find other studies here.
Updated on June 28, 2022